Welcome to CampusDirector for UNT!

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Thank you for signing up for Panhellenic Recruitment!  Please see below to ensure you have completed all the steps needed to complete your registration.  Please check back into Campus Director regularly to get updates about the recruitment process.

SORORITY RECRUITMENT APPLICANTS: Please submit a non-refundable online registration fee of $50. Recruitment applications will not be complete until the registration fee is received. Registration, fee, and academic transcript must be received by August 30th.  If they are not received your application will be considered incomplete.  

MANDATORY RECRUITMENT ORIENTATION: We'll see you at the mandatory recruitment orientation on August 30th in the University Union, Lyceum. You will NOT be visiting chapter members at this time.  Attire is casual. Specific recruitment details will be covered at this time. Please arrive no later than 5pm to check in. For new students, this will also count toward your First Flight requirement.

TRANSCRIPTS REQUIRED: Please email ONE copy of your high school/college transcripts to panhellenic@unt.edu. 

ACADEMIC REQUIREMENTS: All entering first-year students are required to have a 2.75 GPA from high school in order to participate in sorority recruitment. Transfers, second-semester freshmen, or upperclassmen must have a minimum 2.5 cumulative college GPAONE copy of your high school or college transcript is required prior to the beginning of recruitment.  If you have any college credit you must submit a college transcript.   

ACADEMIC RECORD RELEASE: I understand that to apply for recruitment, I must be a regularly enrolled, full-time student at the University of North Texas. I authorize the University of North Texas Panhellenic to verify my academic eligibility and release my GPA and academic records to the NPC sororities at UNT for membership and pledging purposes.  I, therefore, request that the information below be released for the remainder of my undergraduate career while I am active in my organization for the purposes of membership eligibility and recognition, to the chapter president, campus and chapter advisors and national representatives of my fraternity/ sorority. Information to be released: credit hours enrolled in, credit hours passed, semester grade point average, individual cumulative grade point average. By submitting your application you are providing an electronic signature consenting to the release of your grades by The Center for Fraternity and Sorority Life in accordance with the above statement.

ENROLLMENT REQUIREMENTS: Participants must be registered students at the University of North Texas by August 30th. Potential new members must either be 18 years of age or have a high school, GED, or equivalent.

ACCOMMODATIONS If you require accommodations to ensure a successful recruitment experience, please reach to arielle.harris@unt.edu by August 30th. 

GET INCLUSIVE AND VOICES OF CHANGE All students interested in joining a fraternity or sorority must complete an alcohol education course and a sexual assault education course. This must be completed by August 30th. They are both located on your myUNT page.  

New students will receive information during New Student Orientation about completing both as it is a University requirement as well. If you have taken either course to fulfill the University requirement you do not need to take the course again. Contact SurvivorAdvocate@unt.edu or by phone at 940-565-2648 if you have any questions.

CONNECT WITH US: Follow UNT_CFSL or UNTPAN on Instagram and checkout our website!

We are looking forward to meeting you and cannot wait to show you our Panhellenic community! 

Next tell us a little about yourself:

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